Friday 16 October 2009

Eduardo Doval

Boy, you can be annoying
But that’s why we love you
You’re straight to the point
No messing around
Gotta get up
Just to get down
You’re a mini plane fanatic
You talk about engine this
And turbo that
But no one seems to understand
You’re a just to complex
With your mental intellect
You put the rest of us to shame
With your big words like promiscuous,
And others we can’t begin to comprehend
Your an amazing friend
Can’t believe I found you
Just walked up
Said hang with me
Like you were the bee’s knee
From that day on
Here we are
Best of friends
Though worlds apart.
I knew you were something special,
From the first moment I saw you,
Your glistening eyes,
Your benevolent smile,
Smiling at me in the shining in the sun,
Your combats soon to be soaked with the rain,
And slightly covered in brown wet mud,
And strips of striking green grass,
Even when parking noise, arrogant cars,
The moments seemed too good to be true,
Being near you even now,
Sends electric shivers down my spine,
Your touch sending shimmering heat,
Straight into mine,
Until we touch no more,
You helped me through some hard times,
Whether you realised it or not,
You are one of the best friends,
I have, whom I know I can count on,
Always and forever,
Even though we are just friends,
How I wish we were more,
I wish this more than heaven on Earth,
And the light of the elegant stars,
To guide my way,
You are the only one I think of,
Every minute of every day,
O’ how I wish you were mine,
To love and to hold,
Forever in time.

Me and You

When time is lost,
And the day is young,
You'll be there to guide me,
Through the wind, the sea, the rain,
You'll always be beside me,
I've loved you all my life,
And forever you shall stay,
Deep down in my heart,
Where you would always play,
But now we are together,
I thought this day would never come,
When we'd walk together,
I dreamed about you all my life,
But never thought it would happen,
Now it is a fairy-tale,
Were dreams are meant to happen,


People can be mean,
And people can be kind,
People can be excellent,
And people need not mind.
But the people who kill,
Have no conscience at all,
They just kill,
Without a thought at all.
But the people who are kind,
Have a special peace of mind,
To help one another,
To be safe and kind.
As for the other people,
Their tasks are simple enough,
To be kind and helpful,
With peace and love.

The Earth

The Earth is big,
The Earth is bright,
The Earth is a Sphere out of sight,
The Earth is blue,
The Earth is green,
The Earth is many colours to me,
But the best thing about the Earth is,
All the wonderful things on top,
Like the Eiffel tower and the way to Camelot,
The pyramids of Egypt and the Roman towns,
All these things up and down,
But the best thing of all is,
The Earth was built for all of this.

The Rabbit

On the day of Christmas Eve,
A little Rabbit said to me,
All the things he'd like to be.
I'd be a farmer in the North,
Herding sheep through fog,
All day long without a care,
Even in my underwear.
I'd be a pilot in the skies,
Flying people around the flies,
Even the birds those poor dears,
Flying over the seas I hear.
I'd be a sun in the clouds,
Guiding people round and round,
Up the mountains down the cliffs,
Even in a great big sift.
But best of all I think I’d be,
A rabbit grazing happily,
The bestest thing in the world,
Is that of which I already own.


In all the years we known each other
You always smiled and said
We’d always be together
As the best of all friends
All though your candle light has gone
You body and your soul
You’ll always be with us one and all
In our heart and in our minds
You’ll always be beside us
Each and everyday
Only to surprise us